How to Copy Your Credentials into Your BC-workspace

What are your BC-workspace credentials?

Your credentials, also referred to as an "API Key," is a JSON file that contains a unique key that you need to use with the Software Development Kit (SDK) or bc-client within your BRAINCommons secure BC-workspace environment.

Copy your credentials

You must copy your credentials into your BC-workspace before it can be used.

To procedeed, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate the path Explore>Tools to the Explore Tools page. Click the WORKSPACE icon.

    The Workspace page is displayed, listing the icons for the BC-workspaces you can access. Locate the API Keys drop-down at the top right-hand side of the page. Click the down arrow. The Copy to Workspace option is displayed.

  2. Select Copy to Workspace. The Copy API Keys to Workspace window appears.
  3. Click Copy to Workspace. Your APR key is store as a JSON file named credentials.json in your BC-workspace's "Upload" directory, which you can view once you log into your BC-workspace.