Explore Variable Relationships
The Data Analysis section below the main Data Explorer charts allows you to discover relationships between variables in your selected cohort.
To create a chart, you need to select a variable for the X Axis and another one for the Y Axis. The chart will be created automatically as soon as variables are selected.
The X Axis lists the categories that correspond to the selected variable, whereas the Y Axis shows the number of cases that correspond to each category. Each stacked bar chart shows the number of cases that correspond to the X and Y variables (e.g. Gender=Male and Primary Diagnosis = Parkinson's disease)
Remember that the data that is used for the Analysis is already filtered according to the filters applied in the Data Explorer section at the top part of the page.
You can create additional Analyses by clicking on the "Add Analysis" link, which adds a new tab. Each Analysis tab is independent from each other.