Managing Your Cohorts

Your saved cohorts are available under "My Stuff". Cohorts are listed with the name that you assigned to them when you saved them. Their "Saved" date is also available making it easier to find your most recently saved ones. 

From this page you can perform the following actions:

  • Analyze: This button opens the saved cohort in the "Data Explorer" page from where you can review existing or add new Variables Analyses.
  • Modify Data: Allows you to load the cohort in the Data Explorer page from where you can amend the filtering criteria.
  • Remove Cohort: This action deletes the cohort from your collection. This action is irreversible.
  • Export to WorkSpace: If you have access to a WorkSpace you are able to export your data to it. Your cohort will be saved as a json file in your WorkSpace's "Upload" directory.